Wandering Wallers

Wandering Wallers


Monday 26 May 2014

My visit to an American School

After Easter I went to school with Tanner – a friend I made in Durango. They call it an elementary school not a primary school. The teacher’s name was Mrs McCue and she was lovely. I had already met another girl from the class, her name was Aspen. Aspen was born in Australia but now she lives in Durango, in Colorado.

Emma, Symi and Tanner all ready for school - complete with PBJ Sandwiches!

Tanner’s class had been learning about rocks. While I was there they told me what all the rocks were. They were metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. The teacher gave colourful book to write down all the different type of rocks. At the end of the day I got to keep the book and take it home. Now I am using it for my schoolwork.

Some things that were different were that the kids did not have any uniforms. I wish we did not have to wear uniforms in Australia. At least I don’t have a wear a uniform in RV school. Sometimes I do school in my pyjamas. Another thing that is different is that all the classrooms are inside so the classroom door goes into a corridor. I found it a bit claustrophobic. The last think I thought was different was that the recess and lunch seemed very short.

I really liked spending time with lots of kids and everyone was kind. I miss all my friends so I was happy to spend time with lots of kids. I would like to thank Tanner and his Mum and Mrs McCue for arranging for me to come to the classroom.

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