Wandering Wallers

Wandering Wallers


Saturday 9 August 2014

Glaciers, lakes and rainstorms

We left Whistler on a Saturday morning hoping that it would not be too difficult to find a campsite on a weekend in the middle of summer. We had no specific destination so wound our way through Pemberton which was not an option as it was hosting a music festival. We almost feel we can say we went (briefly) as it was right next to the road and being high up in the RV we could see as well as hear the music.
Joffre Lake 2

After Pemberton we passed the turn off to Joffre Lakes Provincial Park where we had been told if we walked to the first of three lakes we could see a glacier. We parked the RV and put on our walking boots for the walk to the first lake a 1km amble.  Rob was keen to get to the second lake for a better view. It was a steep 400m climb. Then we met people who said it was not far to the third lake and that there was a waterfall and a much better view of the glacier.So our 1km amble turned into a 10km walk with a steep middle section. The glacier and the waterfall were both worth the walk and the glacier was impressive to see up close. It was a bit of a grey day so the lake is not a consistent colour in the photos due to changes in sunlight.


We set off again and towards evening we came across a free campground just off the highway. We found an spot right next to a lovely river and settled down for the night. I don’t know how we are ever going to go back from RV camping – it is just so easy. Set up and pack up takes no time at all.

Campsite with a lake view
Next day was quite warm and we drove on towards a provincial campground we found on a map called Lac Lea Jeune. We turned down the highway to get there and found a very long uphill stretch and howling headwind in front of us. It was very slow going up to the campground but we were quite happy when we got there as the temperature was about 10 degrees cooler. We found ourselves a spot not too far from the lake and Symi and Rob headed down for a swim before a BBQ dinner.

Lac Le Jeune boasted mountain bike and hiking trails. These turned out to be the same trail around the lake. We set off on our mountain bikes but found the track was poorly marked and maintained and overall not much fun. We were thinking that we would head out the next day when – Symi found kids! Actually Fiona found them having become somewhat of a stalker when it comes to finding someone for Symi to play with. She may have sunk to new lows by asking some older teenage girls in a playground if they had any younger siblings! New lows or not they did have a younger brother/cousin and a cousin (girl) who were both around Symi’s age and they enthusiastically offered to introduce us to them. Down at their trailer we met up with the children and their parents and grandparents. They were all very friendly and we ended up staying another couple of nights with Symi very happy to have children to play with. They were a lovely family and Al and Vi (the grandparents) very generously offered for us to come and park for a night at their house in Kamloops while we got some maintenance done on the RV.

We had a lovely two nights in Kamloops. Al and Vi had a lovely house and garden and introduced us to the delights of peachcots from the loaded tree in the back. We had a little difficulty finding somewhere to get a service and brake check for the RV but eventually succeeded in booking it in. Rob decided to go for a ride in the afternoon. He was going to park the RV at the swimming pool where Vi and Al’s grandchildren were going for the afternoon so Symi and I could join them.
We were meant to go home this way but decided to detour!
The bike ride did not pan out when the forecast thunderstorm began looking very threatening. By the time we got to the pool Rob had abandoned his ride and decided to come swimming with us. The rain was bucketing down and we got soaked crossing the car park. During our swim Kamloops had 25ml of rain in 20 mins. This is a very dry area so it completely overwhelmed the drainage infrastructure with flooded roads and mini landslides.
The following day after sorting out the RV – at much cheaper prices than Australia, although more expensive than the US we expect, we headed off. We are constantly amazed at the friendliness and generosity of people like Vi and Al and their family and are very grateful for it.

Next stop was Silver Star for just a little bit more chairlift assisted mountain biking!


  1. We're tracking you...assuming you're heading east now.. Waiting esp. for some good bear stories. It all sounds wonderful! Missing you back here. From The Quinlans xx

  2. HI! Just catching up on the last few weeks of posts. Your photos are beautiful and it looks as though you are all having an amazing time. The year is passing by so quickly... Justine xx

  3. Hey, it was nice time with you guys during iceberg hiking in glacier. Hope you guys have blast in other hikes too.
