The man talked about swift water and how dangerous it is.
People drown every year and it is the most common cause of death. Stay out of
swift water.
The scariest thing he talked about is how they have to
rescue rock climbers off the cliffs from their injuries. They got them out with
stretchers and lifted them in to helicopters. It was scary.
When I got back I made a Lego stretcher for all my toys. Now
I play rescue games with all my toys. Some of the stories scared me but I
learnt lots.
It’s an interesting blog with some useful tip while traveling to the Yosemite national park. We went there to see the Glacier Point before our bus tours from boston to washington dc. This is a must do in Yosemite. We took the shuttle up and hiked down via the Panorama Trail and the Mist Trail. The view was just magnificent. It was hard to even believe what we were looking at was real.