Wandering Wallers

Wandering Wallers


Saturday 23 March 2013

Slow start to preparations

We are nearly three months into our 12 months of preparation for our USA RV trip. And what have we done?

Well we have talked about what we need to do, Rob has teased Fiona about her need to "get organised" and apart from that not much else.

What do we need to do?

Finishing our house to make it rentable would be a good start. We sort of figure that anyone paying for our house would quite like some lighting and skirting boards.
Actually we have done two things. I have enrolled in, and am at the moment completing, a one day blogging course - so we can keep you up to date about what we have not done! Rob has been investigating sheds for the back yard so we can store all our stuff while we rent out the house.

Other items making it to the top of the "we really must do something" pile include visas for the states and talking to someone about renting the house out.