Wandering Wallers

Wandering Wallers


Thursday 19 June 2014

Four Months in an RV in the USA

So, how are we going after four months of RV living? Very well thank you. Buying and registering the RV was achieved in a couple of weeks - we will write more detail about this in a post later on.

We have been managing the small space with surprising ease. We are very glad we ended up buying a 29ft RV with a slide. Although it is a bit more of a handful for parking we are glad of the extra space. For Rob and Fiona having a bed we can walk around rather than one where one person has to climb over is certainly appreciated. The over cab bed for Symi has been fantastic. The design of this RV means that she is able to sit up in the space which gives her an area for playing lego (which she has been doing a lot).

Other features of the RV which we appreciate are the oven, stove and fridge. Apart from the bench space being limited (we are learning to be tidy cooks) the kitchen is easy to cook in and we have managed all sorts of things including cakes and bread in the oven. We even did pizza the other day.

For the first two months the weather was pretty cold and not conducive to sitting outside. We did not get too claustrophobic inside except for when it was raining which has been rare. Snowboarding, walking and riding outside also helped. Having said that we were very glad when the weather warmed up enough to eat outside regularly. We have purchased a small gas BBQ and have started to cook a lot more outside. This has the advantage of decreasing the cooking smells in the RV.

Schooling Symi has been interesting and at times challenging. Rob has taken on maths and Fiona english, grammar, and reading. We are all learning new things. Symi struggles some days especially with the intensity of being the only child in the class. Fiona and Rob have had their patience tested, as well as their ingenuity (in coming up with incentive programs and ways of making things interesting). That said, we are managing to complete the work and are well into term two. This term we are doing science experiments which are fun. We all look forward to the holidays.
Symi and Rose playing lego
Serious scientific experiments
Symi also had the opportunity to go to an American school for the day. She had a great time. As parents it was interesting to note that the parents are not allowed to wait for children inside the school building (all classrooms doors are inside the building). This is because the security expert for the school thought it was too dangerous - all to do with school shootings - scary! (Even scarier is the fact that there have been 74 shootings in US schools since December 2012)

Money wise we still seem to be spending lots. We have split our spending into sections and as you can see a lot of of spending seems to be on other (bits and pieces we buy), setup (BBQ, sheets, boots, tents, sleeping bags etc) and snowboarding including buying equipment. We are hoping that this sort of spending should decrease markedly as time goes on (we are still waiting for this to happen).

New Sleeping Bag

Family wise this year is an absolute gift. To be able to spend so much time together has been even better than we imagined. We are all getting on well nearly all the time. Rob needs to exercise regularly (nothing new there) and definitely needs time out on his bike alone or with other mad mountain bikers. Fiona needs to find a woman to have a good chat with every so often as well as chatting to friends back home on skype or similar (nothing new there either) and Symi needs kids as she misses her friends badly. Good quality playing time with her parents helps - lots of lego, imaginary games with stuffed toys and lego and soccer and frisbee - but are no substitute for real kids. She did FaceTime her class last night and really enjoyed that. She also emails and speaks to other friends when she can.

We have found that we can be away from power for up to a week we can charge the computer for school from the RV battery. We have a generator but don't run it for more than about 15' at a time as we don't like to be making noise in national park. 15' is long enough to make coffee (we spent $15 on a drip coffee maker as the stove pots were very expensive) and charge up the electronics a bit. Water is more of a problem we can comfortably manage for 3 days including 3 to 4 very short showers. We have got very used to having a water heater for washing up etc.

Finding spaces in RV Campgrounds seems to be pretty easy so far, outside of some booked National Parks, although it has been the off season so far. Finding them in National Parks is a bit more challenging. If they have first come first served spots it just seems to be a case of staying somewhere nearby and then getting there early in the morning to get a spot. We managed in Yosemite due to rain cancellations. Reservations are released on the 15th of each month for six months time and sell out in minutes.

So, all in all, things are going well. We all miss friends and family but otherwise we are finding this life very attractive. That said, we dont have any plans to become full-time RV folk like many people here seem to be. 


  1. AnonymousJune 20, 2014

    Mum here it seems I can post a comment on anonymous!
    Loved the summary of the 4 months in RV in fact as you know we have relished all of your blogs. We will love it when you are home but we will miss the blogs! Symi yours was excellent and we love d the photos..xxxx

  2. I am surprised it took so long to see a pie chart. I bet there is an excel spreadsheet to go with it! Missnyour expertise at work! Leanne

  3. Hi guys This is your best post to date. So informative.... I love detail!! What a GREAT pic of Rob and Symi. Thanks for letting us share your adventures. As I found with our friends who went around the world last year, our geographical and historical knowledge have been somewhat enhanced. Travel safe . Cheers Tony and Karen

  4. Hi guys This is your best post to date. So informative.... I love detail!! What a GREAT pic of Rob and Symi. Thanks for letting us share your adventures. As I found with our friends who went around the world last year, our geographical and historical knowledge have been somewhat enhanced. Travel safe . Cheers Tony and Karen

  5. AnonymousJune 24, 2014

    Hi guys, superb post and loved reading the inside story. The outdoor living is the best part....and loved the comment about Rob needing to exercise ...more like smash the trails !! Good on ya for all the tutoring....i would be rubbish! All the best from the Andersons!

  6. AnonymousJune 26, 2014

    As above, great post. Symi stop growing!!! Kx

  7. Ilana hamiltonJune 30, 2014

    Catching up on some of your blogs, wow- what an adventure you are all having. You've covered some beautiful country and such varying landscapes. The bike rides and walks look wonderful. Glad to hear the RV life is comfortable. Look forward to seeing more of your adventures throughout the coming months. Go Wallers!

  8. It's great to see that you guys are having a good time in your RV. Managing the space is certainly one of those things RV owners would have to get used to. Getting a bigger RV should help a lot in making it easier for you guys. I'm interested about that further post regarding your buying experiences. I hope the experience wasn't that bad, and that things went generally well. How are things after you made this post? Stay safe!

    Marion Goodwin @ Johnson RV

  9. I'm glad that you are thoroughly enjoying RV life. As captured by camera, I can say that you are all living happily and comfortably in it. Thanks for sharing those wonderful moments! I'm sure those who are in dilemma on planning to live the RV life will be enlightened by your post. All the best to your lovely family!

    Liza Pilon @ Prairie City RV
